I had all kinds of ceph osd issues in my lab this week. Spend most of that identifying bad/failing hardware. It seems to be more stable now so I can get back to testing! Links for this week:
- A list of available online tech classes from Universities.
- Ouroboros keeps popping up in my feeds, it uses python to update your running docker containers.
- I can never call out linuxserver.io enough, they have some really solid docker images and may deploying new apps to my Homelab a breeze!
- Ansible 2.7.1 was released, looks like a lot of bug fixes, also changed some things with the yum modules, specifically how it handles lists (threw off one of my playbooks when i upgraded to 2.7).
- A guide to running AWX (Ansible Tower upstream) on MiniShift. Which leads into the next link..
- I was referencing this guide to using Kubespray for a mini lab project (AWX runs on Kubernetes too).
- Jeff Geerling wrote up a quick article about using Molecule for Ansible role testing. It even has some tidbits about using TravisCI. I referenced this when adding testing to my package role to get that cool “build passing” badge on GitHub. Just need to hit the others now.
- All the Ansible testing focus lately is coming from the updates about to roll out on Ansible Galaxy, they’re previewing the new features now.
- Hashicorp released some documentation on secrets management, it’s very clean and well put together.
- Dell recently released a new version of OpenManage Enterprise, it’s a pretty convenient way for me to manage the dell hardware in my home lab (firmware, logs, console).
- I recently for an iPhone XR for work and took some pictures with it, they look pretty great!
I’m gonna go back to tinkering with this new iPhone, have a safe and fun Halloween!